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日期:2017-04-10 11:43 作者: 来源:


1.    蓝天保卫战

Make our skies blue again

Delivering the Government Work Report to the FifthPlenary Session of the 12th National People's Congress on Sunday, Premier LiKeqiang said effective steps will be taken to tackle air pollution and"make our skies blue again".

 李克强在会上表示,加快改善环境(faster progress in the work of improving the environment),特别是空气质量(air quality),是人民群众的迫切愿望,是可持续发展(sustainable development)的内在要求。必须科学施策、标本兼治(tackle both symptoms and root causes)、铁腕治理(fight it with all our might),努力向人民群众交出合格答卷。

2. 一带一路高峰论坛
High-level Belt & RoadInitiative forum

Leaders of more than 20 countries will attend ahigh-level Belt and Road Initiative forum in Beijing in May, joining more than 50 leadersof international organizations, 100 ministerial representatives and a total of1,200 guests across the world, said Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday at anews conference during the two sessions.

 王毅称,"一带一路"是中国的,但更是世界的(the Belt and Road Initiativecame from China but it belongs to the world)。"一带一路"版权虽属中国,但收益为各国共享。

3. 民法总则
General provisions of civillaw

National lawmakers on Wednesday started to deliberatedraft general provisions of civil law, which, if adopted, will bring thecountry one step closer to a civil code.

State-owned capitalsupervision

China will continue to deepen thereform of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) and further strengthen State-ownedcapital supervision to ensure their safety and appreciation this year, XiaoYaqing, chairman of the State-owned Assets Supervision and AdministrationCommission of the State Council, said on Thursday at a news conference duringthe two sessions.

 国资委副主任黄丹华称,国资委今年国资监管的重点将从之前的管理国企本身(govern SOEs themselves)转向管理其资产(manage their assets),减少资源浪费(cut resource waste),提高工作效率(improve work efficiency)

5. 长途漫游费
Long-distance and roamingfees

China's three major telecomcarriers announced on Monday they will scrap domestic long-distance and roamingcharges starting Oct 1, following Premier Li Keqiang's promise in theGovernment Work Report.

 漫游费指在手机号码归属地以外的地区使用电信服务(use telecom services in places other than where the phonenumber is registered)所产生的额外费用(extra fees)。随着4G的快速普及(rapid popularization of 4Gservices),流量(traffic data)已经取代语音通话(voice call)成为运营商最大的收入来源。

6. 全域旅游
All-for-one tourism

In the Government Work Report he delivered on Sunday,Premier Li Keqiang called for improved tourist facilities and services, and fora big push to develop rural tourism, recreational tourism and all-for-onetourism.

 所谓"全域旅游(all-for-one tourism)",是指将一个区域作为旅游目的地(tourist destination)来建设和运作,实现区域资源有机整合、产业融合发展(integrated development)、社会共建共享,以旅游业带动和促进经济社会协调发展(promote coordinated development of the economy andsociety)。突破行业、部门、区域局限,把旅游业放到推进新型工业化、城镇化、信息化和农业现代化(promote a new type of industrialization, urbanization, ITapplication and agricultural modernization)的大格局中来谋划,促进旅游业与生态、文化、体育等产业深度融合(deep integration),形成多点支撑的(be driven by multiple props,be brought by multi-stimuli/multiple driving forces)大旅游发展格局。

7. 部长通道
Ministers' passage

Ministers' passage in the Great Hall of People is themain place for journalists to conduct interviews with leading officials duringthe annual two sessions. The ministers' passage for this year's national twosessions officially opened on Friday afternoon.

 据了解,今年的部长通道得到国务院各个部门的积极响应。到场部长有望增加,将成为发布权威信息(release authoritative information),解读报告政策(interpret reports and policies),介绍工作情况,解答热点、难点问题(respond to hot issues and thorny issues)的重要场所。为更好搜集公众关心的热点问题,部长通道将在现场开通微信公号(WeChat official account),媒体记者扫描之后就可提交问题(submit questions)。记者问题也可以通过手机短信等其它形式提交。

8. 环境责任险
Environmental pollutionliability insurance

China is quickening the pace of putting together itscompulsory environmental pollution liability insurance implementation planand joint regulation andproduct designs could be key issues, experts said on Monday.
    专家表示,中国正在抓紧制定环境污染强制责任保险实施计划,联合监管和产品设计将是重点考虑的问题。The key areas the insuranceprojects cover include heavy industry, heavy metals, textile dyeing and printingand the chemical industries.

 环境污染强制责任险(compulsory environmentalpollution liability insurance简称pollution insurance)是以企业发生污染事故对第三者造成损害依法应当承担的赔偿责任为标的的保险(the protection of theinsureds pollution liability toward third parties who havesuffered a loss caused by the insured as its final object)。

9. 减税降费
Cut taxes and administrativefees

China will cut taxes andadministrative fees by 550 billion yuan ($79.7 billion) this year to furtherreduce the corporate burden and will roll out favorable tax policies to supportsmall innovative and technology companies, Finance Minister Xiao Jie said onTuesday.

 “减税降费”具体包括“税收减免”(tax reduction and exemption)和“取消或停征行政事业性收费”(cancel or exemptadministrative fees)两部分。

10. 混合所有制改革
Mixed-ownership reform

The government pledged to improve SOEs' revenue in globalmarkets via a number of reform measures this year, including mixed-ownershipreform, establishment of asset management companies and diversification of SOEequity.

 《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》指出要积极发展混合所有制经济(mixed-ownershipeconomy/mixed economy)。

 国有资本(state-owned capital)、集体资本(collective capital)、非公有资本(non-public capital)等交叉持股、相互融合的混合所有制经济,是基本经济制度的重要实现形式(an important way tomaterialize the basic economic system),有利于国有资本放大功能、保值增值、提高竞争力(improving the amplificationfunction of state-owned capital, ensuring the appreciation of its value andraising its competitiveness),有利于各种所有制资本取长补短、相互促进、共同发展。


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