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日期:2017-05-16 10:26 作者: 来源:转载

新零售 new retail

New Retail is a term that roughly indicates a combination of the best in physical and online retail. In the words of Jack Ma, founder and chairman of e-commerce behemoth Alibaba Group HoldingsLtd, New Retail is making the distinction between physical and virtual commerce obsolete.


A latest example is astrategic partnership announced in February between Alibaba and Bailian GroupCo Ltd, a retail conglomerate headquartered in Shanghai. Under the deal, the duo would leverage their troves of consumer data in order to integrate offline stores, merchandise, logistics and payment tools to deliver a better overall shopping experience.

    新零售方式最近的一个例子就是今年2月阿里巴巴和总部在上海的大型零售企业百联集团宣布建立战略伙伴关系。按照合作协议,双方将利用消费者数据资源将线下门店、商品、物流以及支付工具整合起来,提供更好的整体消费体验。所谓的“新零售”(New Retail)其实就是线上线下的融合(online and offline integration)。


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